Curtis Dretsch
Technical theatre and design professor Curtis Dretsch has recently decided to step down from his administrative position at Muhlenberg and return to his roots in the theatre department. During his 20 plus years of climbing the ranks at the 'Berg, he has earned a reputation as one of the most important people in the world of Muhlenberg technical theatre.
Dretsch earned his MFA in design and technical theatre from Southern Methodist University and went on to design scenery and lighting for several companies around Texas. After a brief stint in Wisconsin designing for the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, he became Muhlenberg's new Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts. He designed his first Muhlenberg mainstage, The Pirates of Penzance, in 1979. In 1986 he was promoted to Associate Professor, then in 1994 to Professor. Outside of theatre, Dretsch has been a significant figure in the Muhlenberg community. In the past 10 years, he has served as Dean of the College for Academic Life, Dean for Faculty, and Vice President of Academic Affairs. Last year, he decided to step down from his vice president position and devote himself fully to the theatre department.
"Ten years was long enough to be away from my department. I missed teaching and working with students," he said on his decision. He is also the Director of Design and Technical Theatre. In addition to teaching Basic Stagecraft, he is responsible for the execution and supervision of all Muhlenberg's theatrical design work, as well as the supervision of all design and technical staff and guest designers.
This semester, Dretsch is teaching Basic Stagecraft. Starting fall 2004, he and Tim Averill will share full responsibility of teaching technical theatre courses, which means he will also teach several levels of scenic design.
Curtis Dretsch has done great things for Muhlenberg theatre, and the MTA is thrilled to have him back.